Roadmap 2050: A Practical Guide to a Prosperous, Low-Carbon Europe by AMO
Geschreven op 14-5-2010 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Energie en BesparingIn the architectural profession the issue of sustainability is generally dealt with at the scale of buildings.
In an effort to address the issue at a much larger scale, AMO has developed a vision for an EU-wide decarbonized power grid by 2050 as part of Roadmap 2050: A Practical Guide to a Prosperous, Low-Carbon Europe.
In October 2009, European leaders’ committed to an 80-95 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050.
Roadmap 2050 was commissioned to determine how these emissions reductions goals could efficiently be met. The technical and economic analyses of the report outline why a zero-carbon power sector is required to meet this commitment and illustrate its feasibility by 2050 given current technology.
AMO contributed to the content development through the production of a graphic narrative about the geographic, political, and cultural implications of a zero carbon power sector.
The graphic narrative shows how through the complete integration and synchronization of the EU’s energy infrastructure, Europe can take maximum advantage of its geographical diversity: if the Roadmap is followed, by 2050, the simultaneous presence of various renewable energy sources within the EU will create a complementary system of energy provision ensuring energy security for future generations.
Roadmap 2050 was commissioned by the European Climate Foundation, and the full report, published in April 2010, includes extensive technical, economic and policy analyses conducted by five leading consultancies: Imperial College London, KEMA, McKinsey & Company, Oxford Economics and AMO.
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